
Microsoft Retail Media Certification Exam Answers

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Microsoft Retail Media Certification Exam Answers

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Microsoft Retail Media Certification Exam Answers


  • How is Retail Media best defined? Select all that apply.
  • Retail Media is considered the third and biggest wave of digital advertising after search and social media. True or False?
  • Onsite retail media programs allow brands to interact with shoppers through a retailer's digital properties. True or false?
  • How is using retail media beneficial to brand advertisers? Select all that apply.
  • Using retail media, both retailers and brand advertisers can increase product sales by enabling brand advertisers to promote their products. True or false?
  • Retail Media is considered a closed loop ecosystem because it provides clear and proven attribution and reporting that draw a direct line from advertising back to product sales and Return-On-Ad-Spend (ROAS). True or false?
  • Digital signage and audio promoted in the retailer stores by brand advertisers are not considered part of the omnichannel Retail Media ecosystem. True or false?
  • Which key differentiator would make retail media more attractive to brand advertisers to invest?
  • Retail Media is only considered a lower-funnel media strategy that only helps with conversions (i.e., product sales) rather than awareness, consideration, retention, or loyalty in a shopper journey. True or false?
  • What are the key benefits of retail media onsite advertising compared to offsite advertising? Select all that apply.
  • What should a brand using Microsoft Retail Media Offsite do if their shoppers do not check out their products after clicking a Product Listing Ad (PLA) on the retailers’ websites?
  • What are the key benefits of Retail Media offsite advertising? Select all that apply.
  • What are benefits of using the onsite PLA solution in a retail media program? Select all that apply.
  • Auction Banners are a CPM, impression-based on-site solution for brands who want to increase brand awareness. True or false?
  • What is true about Product Listing Ad extensions? Select all that apply.
  • What are the benefits of Auction Banners (also know as display banners) with Microsoft Retail Media? Select all that apply.
  • Auction Banners may appear within product carousels on highly visible pages across a retailer's site. True or false?
  • Which retail media ad formats can brands use to reach their shoppers? Select all that apply.
  • Contoso Kitchen Appliances sells their products through retailers and wants to better promote their products to in-market shoppers. Why should their advertisers consider using Microsoft Retail Media? Select all that apply.
  • Contoso Running Shoes sells their products through retailers and has a primary focus of increasing brand awareness of new products onsite. Contoso Running Shoes should run a Banner Display Ad. True or false?
  • Which campaigns can you set up in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)? Select all that apply.
  • Which of the preset reports in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ) can you use to get ROAS within a certain time frame? Select all that apply.
  • What type of auction can the Microsoft Retail Media platform ( powered by PromotelQ) platform offer?
  • Microsoft Retail Media platform's (powered by PromotelQ) PLAs use category as their primary targeting to serve ads to onsite shoppers. True or false?
  • PLAs and Auction Banner Ads are served based on auctions, competing with other advertisers’ corresponding ads. True or false?
  • When creating a PLA campaign, after selecting your desired SKUs, the category targets must be manually applied to the campaign. True or false?
  • Which shopper engagement will trigger charge for Auction Banner Ads campaigns in most cases?
  • Which shopper engagements will trigger charges for PLA campaigns in most cases?
  • Which of the following factors influence the likelihood for PLA campaigns to win auctions? Select all that apply.
  • Which are the primary pacing methods available in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)? Select all that apply.
  • What does “PLA” mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • What does "Report Period" refer to in the campaign reporting?
  • What does "Campaign Flight Date" refer to in the Microsoft PromotelQ platform?
  • What does "Vendors" refer to in the campaign reporting?
  • What does "Campaign Budget Interval" mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform(powered by PromotelQ)?
  • What does "Campaign Type" refer to in the campaign reporting?
  • What does “CTR” mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • What does "Report Interval” refer to in the campaign reporting?
  • What does “CPC” mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • Microsoft Retail Media offers both Impressions and Views (also known as Viewable Impressions). What does Impressions mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • What does “Total Sales” mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • What does “CPM” mean in the Microsoft Retail Media platform (powered by PromotelQ)?
  • The preset report "Sales Report" provides impressions and clicks by SKU. True or false?
  • What is considered a good benchmark ROAS for the Microsoft Retail Media onsite campaigns?
  • What are the main metrics to monitor when optimizing retail media campaigns? Select all that apply.
  • Which campaign optimization strategies should you take when your PLA campaigns have high spend-through but a low ROAS? Select all that apply.
  • For a brand selling lots of products with a budget, what is the ideal number of products per category to start with in a PLA campaign?
  • In addition to ROAS, what additional metrics should you consider when analyzing campaign performance? Select all that apply.
  • What is the recommended minimum campaign flight time to ensure that your onsite retail media ads can deliver results?

More certification answers in english: https://en.certificationanswers.com/exams-answers/

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