Staying well and avoiding burnout Answers - Youtube Creator Academy
Staying well and avoiding burnout Answers - Youtube Creator Academy
Self-care is an important practice within any career, including being a YouTube Creator. Learn tips for staying healthy, balanced, safe, and efficient with your time and channel, so that you don’t burn out.
The language of the answers are in English.
Some Questions:
Why is getting enough sleep important?
Sleep helps your body function at its best.
Sleep keeps your mind fresh.
Being sleepy is not usually the best state of mind for coming up with new ideas.
All of the above.
What effect can being grateful have on your life?
It can affect the amount of sleep you get.
It can affect how happy you are.
It can guarantee focus when you meditate.
It can affect the nutritional content of your food.
What’s the benefit of having a schedule each day?
You can plan when your day will end.
You can track all of the things you want to accomplish.
You can balance your life outside of YouTube.
All of the above.
What usually does not contribute to burn out?
Taking vacations.
Getting too little sleep.
Worrying about your channel.
Analyzing your YouTube Analytics every day.
What’s the first thing you should do if you feel burnt out?
Take a vacation.
Acknowledge it’s happening and then reflect on how or why you got to this place of burnout.
Give up YouTube.
Review your YouTube Analytics.
When meeting up with fans, who should be in charge of the conversation?
Your fan.
Your fan’s parents.
Your friends.
In order to keep your private life private, there are certain things you don’t want to show on your channel. Which of these could be OK to show on your channel?
The front of your house.
Your address on a package.
Boarding passes for a flight.
Your dog.
What proactive step can you take to make sure your comments section is not a negative experience?
Have someone else moderate your comments section.
Use block word lists.
Delete negative comments and block commenters who say things you don’t want on your channel.
All of the above.
When building out a team to help you on your channel, you should:
Find people who are less proficient than you.
Hire people to do the things you don’t like to do.
Pay top dollar for the best help.
Hire the first person who offers.
Which of the following is not an alternative monetization source?
Google Ads.
Brand deals.
Which of the following is not an alternative monetization source?
Channel Memberships.
Brand deals.
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