Google Maps Platform technical fundamentals credential Answers


Google Maps Platform technical fundamentals credential Answers

Customer Engineering training for partners participating in the Partner Program. This course replaces the course formerly referred to as ‘Google Maps Developer’


Google Maps Technical Fundamentals Assessment




Google Maps Platform: Introduction and Product Overview


Imagine you're leading a logistics company that is expanding its services globally. Identify the Google Maps Platform products that you would use to optimize your operations and benefit the company's logistics, considering factors like route optimization, geocoding for efficient address handling, real-time traffic updates, and geolocation for tracking shipments.

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Routes
  • Zones
  • Places
  • Maps


You're leading a startup that specializes in food delivery services within a bustling metropolitan area. The company aims to enhance its operational efficiency and customer satisfaction by leveraging mapping and location-based technologies. As the head of the food delivery startup, determine the key benefits of the Google Maps Platform to streamline your operations and improve the customer experience.

Select four that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Delivery options
  • Global coverage
  • Rich, real-time data
  • Customer experience
  • Speed and scale


Assume that you are in conversation with a customer who wants to integrate interactive maps and location-based features into both web and mobile applications. Determine the most prevalent Google Maps Platform implementation that your customer can use.

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Transforming Maps
  • Dynamic Maps
  • Visual Maps
  • Place Maps


Imagine you're digitizing a tourism agency that offers mountainous and seaside adventure tours. As the head of the travel agency's digital transformation department, identify the Google Maps Platform's feature that allows developers to style, customize, and manage maps easily.

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Platform interactive features
  • Data-based maps styling features
  • Search-based maps styling features
  • Cloud-based maps styling features


The JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API) provides a number of methods for drawing and visualizing data on top of the map. Identify the two most common ways of adding data to the map.

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Drawing directly on the map using individual markers or shapes, potentially large data sets if using vector maps and WebGL.
  • Directly embedding from external websites
  • Conducting in-map transactions
  • Drawing layers on the map using specified or predefined boundaries.


You're managing the online presence of a travel blog that specializes in remote destinations with limited internet access. The blog aims to provide static but detailed maps of these remote locations to give readers a visual understanding of the landscapes and points of interest. As the overseer of the travel blog's online content, which Application Programming Interface (API) would help you embed a Google Maps image on your web page without requiring JavaScript or any dynamic page loading?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Maps Static API
  • Map View API
  • Real-time API
  • Dynamic API


Which Application Programming Interface (API) allows you to embed a non-interactive Street View panorama or thumbnail into your web page using a simple Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request, with no need for any other code?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Panorama API
  • Street View Static API
  • Interactive API
  • JavaScript API


You're leading a team tasked with developing an Augmented Reality (AR) application for urban planning within a rapidly growing city. The goal is to create a comprehensive AR platform that allows city planners and developers to visualize proposed infrastructure projects, building construction, and zoning plans in a realistic and interactive manner. As the project leader, select an Application Programming Interface (API) that offers access to Google's 2D and photorealistic 3D Tiles, for the development of the AR application.

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Map Tiles API
  • Dimensional Tiles API
  • Tiles view API
  • Dimensional view API


What are the two primary implementations of the map available in the Maps JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API)?

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Scalar Maps
  • Physical Maps
  • Vector Maps
  • Raster Maps


A customer wants to create visualizations of locations for their solution, but they do not have any front-end development skills within their company. Which solution would be best suited for them?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Aerial View API
  • Maps Static Application Programming Interface (API)
  • WebGL
  • Photorealistic 3D Tiles


Google Maps Platform: Routes Deep Dive


All of the Roads Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) options are confusing to a customer. What are the main functions provided by the Roads API that are available to all customers?

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Road Matrix
  • Speed Limits
  • Snap to roads
  • Nearest Roads


A customer needs to work out the nearest set of stores from the current location. Which Google Maps Platform services can provide this functionality with a single call?

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Roads API
  • Routes API
  • Cloud Fleet Routing
  • Directions API
  • Distance Matrix API


What are some of the reasons why a customer might migrate to the Routes Application Programming Interface (API) from the Directions API?

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Cost control
  • Toll information
  • Opening Hours
  • EV Charging Points
  • Response time


You manage a last-mile logistics company in a busy metropolis. The company wants to introduce a new navigation system to improve delivery times. As the manager, which Application Programming Interface (API) would you emphasize that gives directions for diverse transportation modes—transit, driving, walking, and bicycling—for the company's last-mile delivery operations?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Directions API
  • Places API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Roads API


The Routes Application Programming Interface (API) provides an enhanced version of the Directions and Distance Matrix APIs. It combines both of these into a single service and enables you to provide more informative and flexible routes for your users. Determine the methods through which the Routes API provides its functionality.

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • ComputeRouteMatrix
  • ComputeDistanceMatrix
  • ComputeCostMatrix
  • ComputeRoutes


Google Maps Platform: Places Deep Dive


A customer needs to check if the location of an address that has been entered by the customer actually exists. What is the best solution for doing this?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Geocoding Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Address Validation API
  • Places API
  • Geolocation API


A customer wishes to get the nearest address of a client from their mobile phone location. Which service can do this?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Geolocation Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Address Validation API
  • Geocoding API
  • Places API


When talking with a new client, you come across issues they have capturing customers’ addresses. They mention that they often get either a bad address entered or no addresses, and the customers just abandon their session. What service might you suggest to a customer to improve data collection?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Address Validation Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Geolocation API
  • Time Zone API
  • Places Autocomplete


Imagine you’re managing the development of a travel application designed to assist users in exploring and discovering local attractions, restaurants, and historical landmarks. As the project lead, which textual identifier would you incorporate into the travel application's framework to store the details of returned locations in a compliant manner?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Place ID
  • Travel ID
  • Latitude ID
  • Road ID


If you are a software architect leading the development of a location-based mobile app, what functionality would Place Search bring to your application?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Provides access to the millions of place-related photos stored in Google's Place database.
  • It returns more detailed information, including user reviews.
  • It returns a list of places based on a device location or text string.
  • It automatically fills in the name and/or address of a place as users type.


Determine the various types of information that can be obtained by querying the Google Maps data store utilizing the Places Application Programming Interface (API), along with its equivalent functionalities within the JavaScript API and Mobile Software Development Kits (SDKs).

Select four that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Phone Number
  • Delivery
  • Price Level
  • Rating
  • Website
  • Opening Hours


A traveler wants to perform a place search for information. Identify the kinds of queries he can perform with the Place Search.

Select four that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Place Details
  • Far location Search
  • Find Place from Phone Number
  • Text Search
  • Nearby Search


You're leading a team developing a safety application for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. The app aims to provide users' location information even in remote areas with limited Global Positioning System (GPS) connectivity, relying on alternative location data sources like cell towers and Wi-Fi nodes. As the project lead for the safety application, which Application Programming Interface (API) would you use to ensure accurate device location tracking for hikers without relying solely on GPS signals?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Geocoding API
  • Places Library, Maps JavaScript API
  • Address Validation API
  • Geolocation API


Assume you're leading the development of a global scheduling application that enables users to plan meetings and events across different regions. The app aims to provide accurate local times for various locations based on latitude and longitude coordinates. As the project lead for the scheduling application, determine which Application Programming Interface (API) you would choose to retrieve and display accurate time zone information for specific latitude and longitude coordinates.

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.


  • Time Zone API


  • Time location API
  • Geolocation API
  • Delta Time API


A customer wishes to get the nearest address of a client from their mobile phone location. Which service can do this?

Select four that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Address searching API


  • Places Software Development Kits (SDKs) for Android and iOS
  • Places Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Places Library
  • Maps JavaScript API



Google Maps Platform: Environment Deep Dive


The Solar Application Programming Interface (API) provides a Building Insights findClosest endpoint. What is the data returned by the endpoint that is useful for installers to use when pricing up an installation?

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.


  • Roof area
  • Roof sunniness
  • Roof type


  • Solar panel configurations


Imagine you have to develop a mobile app focused on promoting eco-friendly living and providing users with real-time environmental information. The app should empower users to make environmentally conscious decisions. As a developer, determine the products within the Environment product category that can be used to offer users up-to-date information.

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Solar API


  • Pollen API
  • Air Quality Application Programming Interface (API)


  • Water Quality API


You're leading the development of a health and wellness application focused on providing users with personalized air quality insights. The app aims to offer historical air quality data for specific locations to help users understand trends and patterns in air quality over time. As the project lead, how many maximum days of data can you get from the Hourly History feature, which provides air quality history for specific locations within a given time range?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • 20 days
    • 45 days


  • 30 days


  • 60 days


The Air Quality Application Programming Interface (API) can return information on many pollutants. Determine the information included for the most common pollutants.

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.


  • Concentration
  • Sources and Effects


  • Air frequency


  • Dominant pollutant



Assume that you're working for a team developing a sustainable energy consultancy application aimed at assisting businesses in optimizing solar energy system installations. As the team member for the sustainable energy consultancy app, which Application Programming Interface (API) would you use to facilitate businesses in accelerating solar and energy system installations?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Heat API


  • Solar API


  • Pollen API
  • Temp API


You are discussing the Solar Application Programming Interface (API) with your customer. Which two distinct endpoints offered by the Solar API would you mention to your customer?

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Development Layer endpoint


  • Building Insights endpoint
  • Data Layers endpoint


  • Temp Layer endpoint


Imagine that you are assigned the task of creating a renewable energy platform that utilizes the Solar Application Programming Interface (API) data to advise homeowners on solar panel installations. The information from the Solar API uses complicated models and processing to create the data that is returned from calls to the services. To utilize it to the fullest, determine the necessary concepts surrounding the data creation process and the types of data returned.

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.


  • Flux
  • Sunniness and sunshine quantiles


  • Rain and sunshine quantiles


  • Solar irradiance and insolation



Assume that you are in conversation with a scientist to develop an application focused on providing users with real-time pollen data for specific locations. The app aims to offer insights into pollen levels to assist users in managing allergies and making informed decisions about outdoor activities. Identify the appropriate Application Programming Interface (API) that enables requesting pollen data for specific locations.

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Place Details API
    • Location API
    • Places API


  • Pollen API



Given below are the response body objects from the forecast endpoint and the functionality they provide.

Drag and drop each object according to its corresponding functionality, and then click Submit.


  • DayInfo: Provides the date of the represented forecast, along with PollenTypeInfo and PlantInfo.
  • PollenTypeInfo: States the seasonality of available pollen types, pollen index, and more.
  • PlantInfo: Supplies plant names and descriptions at the requested coordinates.



For each response of the forecast Application Programming Interface (API), there is a Universal Pollen Index (UPI) included. What does this UPI offer?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.


  • It offers detailed information about a given area's plants and their allergenic potential.
  • It offers color-coded tiles of three pollen types.
  • It offers the minimum quality allowed in the results
  • It offers a globally unified scale for comparing pollen levels across different areas.



Google Maps Platform: Best Practices


What are the reasons why Google logs data from requests to the Google Maps Platform Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)?

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Identifying user information to provide personalized services


  • Forecasting and planning future system capacities
  • Monitoring and alerting tools within our system
  • Providing technical support for customers


  • Customizing the map so that users get bespoke regional promotions


A customer store is going through a growth period, and the number of monthly calls to the Maps JavaScript Application Programming Interface (API) has risen to 250,000. What will the cost be (not including any discounts)?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.


  • $1540


  • $1750
  • $0
  • $1625


A customer has come to you with a query about their bill. They can see that they are using the Places Application Programming Interface (API), but the cost of the service is confusing them. On their bill, they see the Basic Data Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) listed. What should the listed amount for that SKU be for 125,000 requests?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • $3840
    • $2040
    • $1840


  • $0



During a discovery conversation with a retail customer, they worry that the Maps Static Application Programming Interface (API) call they have to identify their locations might not be able to scale during a holiday shopping period. You know that Google has generous quota limits for this API. You can allay their concerns by telling them that the API has the following default quota:

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • 50 Queries Per Second (QPS)
    • 3000 QPM


  • 30000 Queries Per Minute (QPM)


  • 300 QPS


An organization has come to you to ask about using the Google Maps Platform in a solution they are building for a local ambulance service. What Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) do you recommend they use to work out the best way of implementing taking patients to the hospital?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.


  • Routes API and JavaScript API to generate efficient routes and display them on a Map for the dispatchers.


  • Qualify the solution as being non-compliant as it is for a “high-risk” activity.
  • Navigation Software Development Kit (SDK) and Routes API to build a mobile application to provide turn by turn navigation within the Ambulance.


A customer wishes to use the Static Street View Application Programming Interface (API) to determine the height of buildings using Machine Learning (ML). First, they wish to get the image, copy it to their servers, and then run an algorithm against it to determine the height and store it for use in other applications. You have to tell them that this is prohibited by the terms of service. Which terms would it be against?

Select two that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Customers may not remove Google branding/copyright or circumvent fees and must display all attributions


  • No creating content from Google Maps content


  • No re-creating Google Products of Features


  • No Scraping or Caching


  • No modifying search results integrity


Customers can use the Google Cloud console to set a number of limits on quotas for a specific Application Programming Interface (API). Which of the following cannot be done in the Google Cloud console?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Per day
    • Per second
    • Per minute


  • Per user per minute



A customer is worried that they may get an error message when calling Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) too much. What pattern may they use to mitigate this issue?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • Collision avoidance
    • Rate limiting


  • Exponential Backoff


  • Control Theory


The Routes Application Programming Interface (API) has a number of Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) levels that might determine the cost of the call. What are the levels called?

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.

  • Contact


  • Basic
  • Preferred
  • Advanced


  • Atmosphere


A customer is worried that the costs associated with their implementation might be too high and will result in a bill that is unaffordable. What features or services might they use to mitigate this?

Select three that apply, and then click Submit.


  • Set a budget alert at the billing level.


  • Use the Google Maps Embed Application Programming Interface (API).


  • Set an alert to stop calls when a certain amount of spend has occurred.
  • Set per day quotas at the project level.



A customer is building a mobile application to deliver a solution to their users. They will have 100,000 calls a month to the application; half of them will use customized maps, and half of them will use standard maps. How much would they expect to see on their bill if we ignored any discounts?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • $700
    • $0
    • $100


  • $350



When building an application, a customer wishes to collect metrics about how the application and service are performing and get notifications if there are any outages or errors. Which service would they use to do this?

Select one that applies, and then click Submit.

  • CloudWatch


  • Cloud Monitoring


  • Stackdriver
  • Apigee


Certain data can be cached from the responses of the Google Maps Platform. Which of the following fields can be stored for more than 30 days?

Select two that apply,  and then click Submit.

  • Panorama ID
    • Directions


  • Place ID


  • Review Score


  • Latitude and Longitude (Lat / Lng)



In the Google Maps Platform console view, there are a number of key functions that the service provides. Identify the services.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.


  • Enable the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  • Secure API keys and create access credentials


  • Modification of Maps and data


  • Identify usage patterns and manage quotas



Within the Google Maps Platform console, roles play a crucial part in managing access and permissions. Determine the appropriate roles you need to have to manage cases within the console.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.

  • Technical Manager


  • Project Owner
  • Tech Support Editor
  • Project Editor



In the realm of security and access control within the Google Maps Platform, identify the various protection mechanisms available.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.

  • Domain Name System (DNS) Encryption


  • Open Authorization (OAuth)
  • Application Programming Interface (API) Key
  • Service Accounts



When focusing on developing scalable solutions within the Google Maps Platform, various factors play a crucial role in ensuring efficient implementation. Determine the appropriate areas that can be considered for best practices for providing quick solutions and ensuring that the implementation is scalable.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.


  • Throughput


  • Code complexity


  • Availability
  • Latency



Assume that you are in conversation with your customer, who feels that there could be a hiccup in the system. What must your customer do in order to learn about the information published for acknowledged incidents and receive updates when they are resolved?

Select one that applies,  and then click Submit.


  • Check Google Maps Platform Status Dashboard


  • Place a customer request
  • Modify the architecture
  • Access Libraries and frameworks


Within the Google Maps Platform, certain services offer value to customers without incurring costs. Identify the specific services provided by the Google Maps Platform that are offered at no cost.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.


  • Embed Application Programming Interface (API)


  • Dynamic Maps


  • Basic Data
  • Places Details - ID Refresh



Assume that you are explaining the significance of being vigilant about pricing considerations within the Google Maps Platform to avoid unexpected charges on the billing and optimize usage effectively. Determine the basic watch points you would mention so that customers do not get a surprise on their bills and optimize their usage appropriately.

Select three that apply,  and then click Submit.

  • Price of maps based on distance.
  • Pricing can vary across platforms.
  • Volume discounts are applied to each service independently.
  • Pricing can vary depending on how a service is used.




How could your customer, a ride-sharing service, make use of the Directions API?

  • Optimize the provided route by automatically rearranging the waypoints in a more efficient order, influence routes with stopover and pass through points, and choose faster routes or reallocate deliveries to workers based on real-time traffic.
  • Find out how fast they are traveling, add street view panoramas to their application, add an image to a map, and encode a sequence of latitude/longitude coordinates (LatLngs) into an encoded path string, and decode an encoded path string into a sequence of LatLngs.
  • Optimize the street view by automatically rearranging the way the camera is looking, influence routes with speed limit and police known points, and choose faster routes or reallocate deliveries to workers based on traffic data from obtained over the last year.
  • Find out how fast they are traveling, add street view panoramas to their application, customize images to a map, and find the latitude/longitude coordinates for a given address (geocoding), or convert the latitude/longitude coordinates of a geographic location to an address (reverse geocoding).


You are in a meeting with a customer discussing the implementation of a Google Maps Platform integration. During the course of this conversation the subject of data storage is raised by the customer and you identify this as an ideal time to discuss the possibility of using Google Cloud Platform with their Google Maps solution.
What benefits do you tell the customer they can expect with a Google Maps solution that leverages Google Cloud?

Select All Correct Responses

  • Lower cost - Because there’s synergy and scalability and the output will be cheaper.
  • Security - whatever is built, created, coded, or stored, Google protects it.
  • Better data - the data visualization is better than the competition because of Google’s vast Cloud platform.
  • High latency - the combination of the two platforms creates a high latency.
  • Scalability - the GCP infrastructure serves billions of Google Maps users and is a platform that will scale and flex as businesses do.


Your customer is a financial firm and has data that would be considered “flat” data, with heavy read/write events and analytical type data. They need the data in a NoSQL wide column format allowing simple queries on single row transactions with a data capacity in the petabyte range. The unit sizes would be 10mb or less per cell and 100mb or less per row. What would be the best option for this customer?

  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Bigtable


Within the GCP Console, what alert can users set up to notify them when monthly spend reaches a certain threshold?

  • Capping alert
  • Budget alert
  • Quota alert
  • API alert


A fleet and asset management corporation needs a solution to identify if drivers are observing national speed limits, if drivers go off-route, and how much time the assets are spending in transit. They face the challenge that the GPS trails they record seem inaccurate when overlayed with a Map. What API can provide the solution this customer needs?

  • Geolocation API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Places API
  • Roads API


Your customer wants to implement the same actions on iOS as Android provides with ‘intents’. What is the name of the feature or piece of code used in Objective C that will provide the same actions that intents does for Android?

  • Intent C
  • urlScheme
  • urlIntent
  • objScheme


Your customer needs iOS autocomplete. Which class provides an interface that displays a table of autocomplete predictions that updates as the user enters text?

  • GMSAutocompleteViewController
  • GMSOpeningHours
  • GMSPlacePhotoMetadataList
  • GMSPlacePhotoMetadataList GMSPlacesClient


You work with a customer that owns a ride-sharing company. They express frustration with the sometimes inaccurate spatial data provided by GPS. You state that the Geolocation API actually uses multiple ways of identifying where a device is. What additional sources of spatial data does the Geolocation API use to identify a device’s location?

  • Radio
  • Wifi and Cell Towers
  • GPS
  • Wireless sensor


You are in a discussion with a customer regarding the implementation of a Google Maps solution and they want to add some additional functionality into their maps with minimal labour investment. Which of the following will allow the customer to embed a map image on their web page without requiring any JavaScript?

  • Embed API
  • Place Autocomplete
  • Static Maps API
  • Geocoding API


During the Technical Discovery with a Real Estate customer, your prospect tells you that they want to present their user with a large number of location markers within a relatively small geographic area. What two considerations might you contemplate?

Select All Correct Responses

  • Who has access to the data?
  • Would they consider a heat map instead of markers?
  • Do they have the budget available?
  • What would be the impact on presentation to the user?
  • Does Google have a way to draw and query the data?


A customer is concerned about exceeding certain usage limits and wants an effective method of knowing if and when these limits are reached. Which of the following solutions should you recommend?

  • Use Google Stackdriver to set up an alerting policy which will enable your customer to set up alerts to trigger if their defined conditions are met.
  • Use Google Stackdriver as it’s Metrics Explorer will give your customer greater insight into their API usage.
  • Use the GCP Console dashboard. The basic view of usage, including pre-built charts will make it easy for your customer to keep track of their usage.
  • Use Google Stackdriver, which provides access to over 900 monitoring metrics and will allow your customer to organize cloud resources using groups to give them a clear understanding of their usage.


A customer has asked about placing an interactive map, or Street View panorama, on their site with a simple HTTP request. Which API allows them do this?

  • Street View Static API
  • Maps Embed API
  • Maps Static API
  • Maps JavaScript API


Your client needs you to integrate some map solutions into their internal system. Why would it be important during Technical Discovery to examine the user workflow?

  • Because user demographics impact the number of queries that will be consumed. Younger users will access maps several times to get an understanding of what is shown.
  • Because describing the workflow of the interface is important to understanding how many queries the app might need.
  • Because you need to look to utilizing practices that generate the highest queries per usage. It is important to ensure that if a user accesses the system, then it needs to load the JavaScript library and incur a PageView.
  • Because if a user has problems with the map technology they may be resistant to change.


Your customer is a ridesharing company and they are going to need a data storage and analysis solution that will handle complex queries and very large datasets. They have no present need for transactional queries. What would be the best option for this customer?

  • Cloud SQL
  • BigQuery
  • Cloud Datastore
  • Cloud Storage


In Stackdriver monitoring, what prefix is applied to Google Maps API metric types?


You are in discussions with a customer from the taxi industry. Which of the following are green flag opportunity indicators on the use of the Google Maps Platform?

  • Customer pickup for ride services
  • Posting false information on a map
  • Using Street View to identify taxi ranks in major cities
  • Storing competitor location data


In June 2018, Google announced product and billing changes to the Maps Platform. What were the guiding principles behind these changes?

  • Google streamlined the Google Map Platform suite of services into three core products: Streets, Navigation, and Roads, and simplified terms to create a single, easy-to-understand pricing model.
  • Google Map Platform streamlined the suite of services into Google Cloud Platform, and now this is all offered as one service with one price.
  • Google streamlined the Google Map Platform suite of services into three core products: Maps, Routes, and Places, and simplified terms to create a single, easy-to-understand pricing model.
  • Google Map Platform now has 18 core APIs to choose from and the pricing is now free for customers for the first $500.00 worth of usage, which is all on the same platform as Google Cloud.


You’ve been asked to enable a Google Maps API, however you don’t have the correct permissions to access the organisation’s Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects . What is the best option to obtain an API key?

  • Ask a member of the Google Customer Service Team to grant you permission to the project so that you can create an API key in the same project that the API is associated with.
  • Ask a member of the project to grant you access to the project so that you can create an API key in the same project that the API is associated with.
  • GCP Permissions are not required for the Maps API. Create an API key within the project without permission.
  • Create a project of your own and then create an API key so that you can transfer it to the project you are working on.


A customer that runs an online store wants to show a map on their website to provide visual confirmation of the delivery location to the user. After address entry, it shows a map to give the user visual confirmation of the delivery location. This can provide the customer with some additional assurance that the delivery address is correct, and reduce delivery failures. How can this solution be implemented?

  • This can be accomplished on a web page with the Google Maps Javascript API, and in a confirmation email with the Google Static Maps API.
  • This can be accomplished on a web page with the Google Maps Embed API, and in a confirmation email with the Roads API.
  • This can be accomplished only on Android with the Google Maps Embed API, and in a confirmation email with the Roads API.
  • This can be accomplished on a web page with the Google Maps Embed API, and in a confirmation email with the Geolocation API.


Which Google Maps product uses a PlaceId to retrieve additional information about a place of interest and then serve it to the user?

  • Geocoding API
  • Distance Matrix API and Maps JavaScript API
  • Geolocation API
  • Places Library and Maps JavaScript API


A customer wants to see a quote showing monthly costs for the Google Maps solution they’ve discussed with you. What resource can you use to determine costs?

  • Google Maps Platform Pricing Calculator
  • GCP Console API Dashboard
  • Google Maps Frequently Asked Questions
  • BigQuery Geo Viz


You are discussing a Google Maps solution with a customer and they express an interest in providing their users with estimated walking travel times to different locations identified within the app. This is an opportunity trigger to discuss the Distance Matrix. Which of the following features does the Distance Matrix provide?

  • Modify the walking time estimate based weather conditions, such as icy footpaths
  • Provide a walking time estimate to any number of locations around them
  • Modify the walking time estimate based on crowd density
  • Provide a walking time estimate tailored to the average walking speed of each user individually


Your customer, a small business retailer, is enquiring about an inexpensive map solution. You give them the good news that each customer starts each month with a certain amount of free credit for their Google Maps APIs. How much free credit do they get?

  • $250.00
  • $300.00
  • $200.00
  • $245.00


If a customer wanted to add a depth to their map, 3D buildings, the ability to zoom in, tilt, and enhance the experience with rich and varied visualizations, what solution should they use?

  • The Maps JavaScript API allows you to change the viewpoints and obtain 3D buildings using JavaScript to modify the map’s camera.
  • The Maps SDKs for Android and iOS allows you to change the user's viewpoint of the map by modifying the map's camera.
  • The Maps Static API and JavaScript will allow you to change the pictures on the map to show 3D buildings.
  • The Street View API allows you to change the maps Mercator projector using JSON.


A customer is looking to launch the user into the Google Maps app from their Android application. The developer knows that they can use the Intent object to start a limited range of actions. What are two of these four actions?

Select All Correct Responses

  • Present information about roads, such as speed limits
  • Provide travel distance and time for a matrix of origins and destinations
  • Request directions from one location to another
  • Display a map at a specified location and zoom level


You are advising a developer, new to interacting with Google Cloud services, on how to enable a Google Maps API. Which of the following recommendations is most appropriate?

  • Cloud SDK
  • Service Usage API
  • Google Cloud Platform Console
  • Cloud Endpoints


You are in a discussion with a customer around the implementation of Google Maps APIs into their solution and, while asking some technical discovery questions, you find that a client wants to build an application from the ground up and will not be retrofitting an existing system. Why is this important to know for a Google Maps Platform implementation?

  • Building an application from the ground up has more predefined constraints.
  • Developing a new application from the ground up has significant time and financial impacts. Therefore, it is almost always a great deal cheaper, in time and money, to retrofit their existing solution with Google Maps Platform features.
  • Usually, retrofitting has very little constraints, which will save the customer money if implemented. Therefore, there is less resistance to change.
  • Typically, retrofitting brings with it a set of predefined constraints, which have time and financial impacts if changed. This means that designing an entirely new solution is actually cheaper in time and money than retrofitting their existing one.


A startup technology company is focusing on a site/app that will help customers get to and from the airport and find services nearby. For the email receipt, they want to convert the latitude and longitude of the location where the journey was ended to a street address. Which product will they require?

  • Geocoding API
  • Distance Matrix API
  • Places Details service
  • Places Autocomplete service


A customer that runs a bike rental app wants to know what features/solutions the Maps SDK for Android and iOS provides. You tell them that users can add maps based on Google Maps data to their application. The API automatically handles access to Google Maps servers, data downloading, map display, and responses to map gestures. What are the additional SDK classes that can be used to change the view of the map area?

  • Markers, lines, polygons, overlays, basic map
  • Heat maps, speed limits, travel time, customized map
  • Heat maps, elevation above sea level, travel time, customized map
  • Travel distance, travel time, speed limits, customized map


With Places, users can explore the world around them. What data can Places provide to users?

  • Location speed limits, address time zone, and daylight savings time information.
  • Display of an interactive street view panorama, display of speed limits in the area, routes on a map and the time zone.
  • Location names, addresses, contact information, ratings, reviews, and atmosphere.
  • Display of a static street view panorama, display of an interactive street view panorama, routes on a map, and the time zone.


Your customer wishes to provide users of their app with directions between two points. What type of response can the Directions API service provide? (Select two)

Select All Correct Responses

  • SDK
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • JavaScript
  • JSON


Where are you able to set up data analytics, cloud storage, cloud computing, and your location data?

  • Currently, Google Maps data, reports and billing will be handled by an outside agency and will be separate from the Google Cloud Console.
  • You will be able to set up all of this, plus reporting, billing, and more through the same Google Cloud Console.
  • You will have to go to a separate platform for data analytics, cloud storage, and map information, then another separate platform for reports and billing.
  • You go to the Google Maps Console for any Google Maps related data, and Google Maps billing or reports, and Google Cloud Console for any Cloud related information.


A wide range of place requests are available with the Places API. Which request will returns more detailed information about a specific place, including user reviews?

  • Place Details
  • Place Photos
  • Place Autocomplete
  • Place Search


One of your customers is an online clothing retailer. Which of the following would be a benefit of them incorporating the Google Places Autocomplete API into their online shopping cart?

  • Significantly increase the total time required for a customer to place an order
  • Decrease the number of steps in the checkout process
  • Guarantee no errors in address input
  • Increase cart abandonment by 5%


A customer has a lot of location tagged records in BigQuery. They are open to new ideas and ways of representing this data in order to gain insights from it. They want a demonstration of what maps can do for them in regards to visualizing this data. What should you recommend?

  • Google Data Studio is a web tool that provides visualization options for spatial data in BigQuery using Google Data Studio BigQuery connector. You can run a SQL query and display the results. Flexible styling features allow you to analyze and explore your data.
  • Jupyter Notebook is a web tool for visualization of geospatial data in BigQuery using Google Maps APIs. You can run a SQL query and display the results on an interactive map. Flexible styling features allow you to analyze and explore your data.
  • BigQuery Geo Viz is a web tool for visualization of geospatial data in BigQuery that has Google Maps built in. You can run a SQL query and display the results on an interactive map. Flexible styling features allow you to analyze and explore your data.
  • Earth Engine is a web tool for visualization of geospatial data in BigQuery using Google Maps APIs. You can run a SQL query and display the results on an interactive map. Flexible styling features allow you to analyze and explore your data


Google Maps offers four key benefits to the customer that are a competitive strength. What are they?

  • Global coverage, faster uploads, better customer service, constant updating of maps, and easy to customize.
  • Global coverage, speed and scale, rich, real-time data, and maps that users love.
  • Global coverage, tons of data, digital maps, and higher resolution.
  • Speed and scale, higher resolution, real-time traffic data, and easy to customize.


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