HubSpot Digital Marketing Answers

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HubSpot Digital Marketing Answers

  • There are 60 questions.
  • The exam takes about 1 hour to complete.
  • You must answer 45 questions correctly to pass.
  • You must wait 12 hours between attempts.
  • You have 3 hours to complete the exam.


-True or false? A benefit of organic content promotion is the ability to develop and deliver highly targeted content to consumers who will find the content most relevant.
-Fill in the blank: To keep your content calendar agile, it shouldn’t extend more than ___________.
-All of the following are attributes of a content creation workflow EXCEPT:
-You asked your colleague to provide feedback on a blog post you recently wrote. When they sent you their feedback, they made edits directly in the doc. Is this a best practice for a content editing process?
-True or false? Your content creation framework should stay consistent over time.
-What can you do to make a headline more compelling?
-Fill in the blank: When creating a headline for your content, you should come up with ___________ different headlines.
-True or false? When possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.
-True or false? Never use acronyms in your writing.
-To help increase awareness for an upcoming product launch, your manager increases paid promotion funds by 300%. Which channels could you disperse these funds to?
-When is the most effective time to boost content on social media?
-True or false? You should post the same message across all of your social channels.
-Which network has the longest life for a piece of content?
-Which KPI is most likely to be a vanity metric?
-There are three key components to sending the right email. Two of them are the right email and the right time. What is the third?
-When does the engage stage of the inbound methodology begin?
-What is the purpose of the delight stage of the inbound methodology?
-True or false? As buying behavior changes, the inbound philosophy will also evolve.
-What is the difference between a brand keyword and a non-brand keyword?
-What is one benefit of running search ads for brand keywords?
-Fill in the blank: A keyword set to _____ match type will display your ad if the search term contains the same order of the words, but it can also contain additional words.
-Fill in the blank: A keyword set to ______ match type will display your ad when the search term contains any or some combination or variations of the words in your keyword, in any order.
-Which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?
-Which of the following represents a broad match keyword?
-True or false: Quality score is an algorithm that scores each of your search ads on spelling and grammar.
-What is the benefit of including ad extensions in your search ads?
-The inbound methodology is meant to support which business functions?
-Scenario: Kyle is in a new role and looking to upskill, so he goes to Google to do some research. He finds a search engine listing that piques his interest and clicks it. He’s taken to a blog post on your site. He reads the post and sees there’s a content offer. He’s interested, but not sure he’s ready to give his information for it just yet. Below the offer, he sees a chatbot asking if he needs help so he clicks it to start a conversation. Which stage of the inbound methodology is Kyle in?
-What are the three stages of the buyer’s journey?
-Fill in the blank: When planning the timing of content in a calendar, _______.
-What stage of the buyer's journey is your audience in if they're choosing a free trial or consultation?
-True or false? A content offer is something you create and publish in exchange for personal information, like an email address and a name.
-True or false? Relevancy directly impacts ranking strength.
-Fill in the blank: Once a search engine bot discovers your web page, it _______.
-All of the following impact a website’s ability to rank on a search engine results page EXCEPT:
-True or false? Website performance does not impact visibility on Facebook.
-How could this sentence be corrected to cut out fluffy words? "I really just want to go to the arcade to play games in order to have fun."
-Which of the following is an example of a video in the delight stage?
-Which of the following factors does YouTube pay attention to as part of its algorithm?
-Your manager asks your thoughts on how to increase visibility on the business’s YouTube channel. Which response best aligns with how YouTube’s algorithm works?
-All of the following are key places your videos can appear on YouTube EXCEPT:
-Your manager tasks you with getting more of your web pages displayed in the featured snippet on a search engine results page. The best way to increase the number of your web pages that appear in featured snippets is by _______?
-Which of these KPIs demonstrate social media ROI? Choose all that apply.
-Which of the following places on Instagram can you use a link to click through to your website? Choose all that apply.
-True or false? When getting started with a business Instagram account, consider purchasing at least 1,000 followers to make your brand look more credible and acquire followers at a faster rate.
-True or false? Adding a string of meaningless numbers to your Instagram username could appear spammy.
-Fill in the blank: When performing a social media content audit, begin by looking at all of the content you’ve posted in the last _________.
-When auditing your social media content, what questions should you be looking to answer? Choose all that apply.
-Scenario: Tom is an avid Facebook user. Tom's friend, Jane, posts a video from a travel-focused company called Get Out, Stay Out, about a new, local hiking trail. In the comments, Jane shares her thoughts and opinions about the trail. The following day, Tom's sister sends him the same video link through Facebook Messenger. The Facebook algorithm sees all these interactions. Keeping this in mind, it's likely Facebook will _______.
-True or false? You shouldn't join a competitor's Facebook Group. Doing so would only help increase their visibility, making it harder for you to create and grow a Facebook Group for your business.
-What’s an example of a measurable key result? Choose all that apply.
-Scenario: A phrase-match keyword for one of your ads is “traveling in Boston.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply.
-True or false? To deliver an ad only to people searching for dress shoes for men, you could modify your broad match keyword to “+men’s dress shoes.”
-True or false? If you’re just starting out with paid ads and don’t know exactly how your persona will be searching, move from a narrower search to a broad match.
-What are the two key actions to look at when optimizing each part of your email?
-Fill in the blank: Words like “free” or “percent off” may not trigger spam filters for your email, but could ___________.
-___________ characters is the average character length that will appear on a mobile device for your email.
-Which of the following is NOT an example of owned media?
-Which of the following is NOT an example of paid media?
-True or false: You should include either budget information or a time estimate in your content creation plan.
-True or false? You should use a consistent naming system to store and easily identify hosted files.
-True or false? If you want to produce great content, then you need to hire an in-house content creator.
-True or false? Effective writers start by filling in the main points of their content and save writing the introduction and conclusion for after they’ve written their piece.
-On which social network should you share content most frequently?
-What does CRM stand for?
-What occurs during the attract stage of the inbound methodology?
-What symbol would you use to add a broad match modifier?
-What symbol would you use to add a negative keyword?
-From top to bottom, what should your search account structure hierarchy look like?
-What does it mean to have an inbound approach to doing business?
-Fill in the blank: Measuring your website’s authority comes down to assessing the volume and quality of the ____________.
-True or false? To help improve SEO, your URL should match the title of your blog post, word for word.
-Fill in the blank: The ideal blog post title is _____ characters.
-Which of the following is an example of a video in the attract stage?
-Fill in the blank: Videos related to __________ moments address company milestones, new product or service features, or other company-related updates.
-True or false? You can have more than one key result per objective.
-Scenario: An exact-match keyword for one of your ads is "blue women's t-shirts." Which of the following search queries would generate this ad?
-Having an understanding of what you’re trying to achieve is the most important part of creating high-performing emails. What theme does this correlate to?
-Fill in the blank: The ideal length of an email subject line is _____ characters.
-To provide a personalized experience to your email reader, which of the following best practices should you employ? Select all that apply.
-During the decision stage of the buyer's journey, it's effective to use which of the following content formats? Select all that apply.
-Fill in the blanks: Tail winds are to ________ : as headwinds are to _________.
-How many ad extensions should you include in your search ads?
-Which of the following is the best practice for optimizing the elements on a web page to reduce page size?
-Scenario: Your business is going through a website redesign. The goal of the redesign is to update the look and feel of the website to better represent the brand. Your manager recommends a custom font to help make the content stand out. How should you respond?
-Which of the following is an example of a video in the engage stage?
-Fill in the blank: ________ refers to how well a document matches a search query.
-Fill in the blank: A keyword set to _____ match type will display your ad if the search term includes that keyword, or a very close variation.
-True or false? Watching three seconds of a YouTube video is considered a view.


Fill in the blank: ________ refers to how well a document matches a search query.

  • Authority
  • Relevance
  • Ranking
  • Discover


Which of the following is an example of a video in the attract stage?

  • A promotional video featured on a landing page
  • A social video that shows off your brand’s personality
  • A testimonial of one of your customers with relatable stories
  • A funny video of a cat sitting on a window sill


Fill in the blank: The following sentence is an example of ____________ voice? “The grocery shopping was done by your father.”



When auditing your social media content, what questions should you be looking to answer? Choose all that apply.

Does your Facebook text content resonate with your audience?
Are you posting Facebook content with videos?
Are you posting Facebook content with images?
What's the average time-on-post?


Having an understanding of what you’re trying to achieve is the most important part of creating high-performing emails. What theme does this correlate to?

  • Setting a goal
  • Selecting a template
  • Discussing with your team
  • Sending your email


Fill in the blank: Words like “free” or “percent off” may not trigger spam filters for your email, but could ___________.

  • yield higher unsubscribe rates
  • trigger fewer sales
  • align with the content for coupons in the email
  • appear to be sent by a bot


What is the benefit of including ad extensions in your search ads?

  • Take up more space in the SERPs
  • Improve click-through rate 
  • Provide more value to potential customers
  • All of the above


If you have a keyword set to broad match, but you want to select specific keywords that must be included in the search query for your ad to be displayed, what would you use?

  • A negative keyword 
  • A phrase keyword 
  • A broad match modifier 
  • A phrase match modifier


How could this sentence be corrected to cut out fluffy words? "I really just want to go to the arcade to play games in order to have fun."

  • “I really just want to go to the arcade to play games in order to have fun.”
  • “I just want to go to the arcade to play games in order to have fun.”
  • “I just want to go to the arcade to play games and have fun.”
  • “I want to go to the arcade to play games and have fun.”


Fill in the blank: A keyword set to _____ match type will display your ad if the search term contains the same order of the words, but it can also contain additional words.

  • negative
  • phrase
  • broad
  • specific


To help increase awareness for an upcoming product launch, your manager increases paid promotion funds by 300%. Which channels could you disperse these funds to?

  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google
  • A and B
  • All of the above


Which KPI is most likely to be a vanity metric?

  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Retention and loyalty


True or false? You should post the same message across all of your social channels.

  • True, redundant messages ensure that your audience will see it and you get the highest reach.
  • True, posting the same message will help you save time that you can use on more important initiatives.
  • False, you should customize the message based on the platform.
  • False, post the same message to Twitter and Facebook, but update LinkedIn as it’s more of a B2B social platform.


Which of the following is an example of a video in the delight stage?

  • A promotional video featured on a landing page
  • A social video that shows off your brand’s personality
  • A testimonial of one of your customers with relatable stories
  • A funny video of a cat sitting on a window sill


All of the following impact a website’s ability to rank on a search engine results page EXCEPT:

  • URL
  • Page title
  • Meta description
  • Header tags
  • Site architecture


What are the three stages of the buyer’s journey?

  • Awareness, Consideration, Decision
  • Attract, Engage, Delight


True or false? A content offer is something you create and publish in exchange for personal information, like an email address and a name.

  • True
  • False


What can you do to make a headline more compelling?

  • Broaden the topic
  • Make a promise to the reader
  • Over five words
  • Use special characters to help it stand out


True or false? You should use a consistent naming system to store and easily identify hosted files.

  • True
  • False


True or false? If you want to produce great content, then you need to hire an in-house content creator.

  • True
  • False


Fill in the blank: When creating a headline for your content, you should come up with ___________ different headlines.

  • 1
  • 5-10
  • At least 10
  • More than 10


True or false? Effective writers start by filling in the main points of their content and save writing the introduction and conclusion for after they’ve written their piece.

  • True, it can be overwhelming to write an introduction first without knowing where the content is headed.
  • True, the introduction is always the easiest part to write.
  • False, writing an introduction first will help align the rest of the article.
  • False, you should write your conclusion before your introduction.


True or false? When possible, you should try and use extensive vocabulary in your writing.

  • True, extensive vocabulary makes you appear more credible and confident.
  • True, people make purchasing decisions based on if you look smarter than your competitors.
  • False, extensive vocabulary makes you appear less credible and confident.
  • False, extensive vocabulary takes up too much space on a page.


True or false? Never use acronyms in your writing.

  • True, this helps avoid confusion.
  • True, deleting acronyms makes your content more welcoming.
  • False, use acronyms sparingly.
  • False, your audience will know what the acronyms mean.


Which network has the longest life for a piece of content?

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest


On which social network should you share content most frequently?

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest


What does CRM stand for?

Custom Rendering for Mobile
Custom Relationship Modules
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Rotation Model


There are three key components to sending the right email. Two of them are the right email and the right time. What is the third?

The right person
The right segments
The right email platform
The right buyer personas


What occurs during the attract stage of the inbound methodology?

You answer questions and provide solutions for the challenges your prospects and customers face.
You focus on bringing prospects and customers to your social pages or website through relevant and helpful content.
You exceed a prospect or customer’s expectations so much that they’ll want to tell their friends and family about you.
You collect information about the individual you’re working with.


When does the engage stage of the inbound methodology begin?

The engage stage begins when a purchase occurs.
The engage stage begins when a customer leaves you.
The engage stage begins when a prospect or customer takes a desired action.
The engage stage begins when a prospect or customer proposes you give them a discount.


What is the purpose of the delight stage of the inbound methodology?

To exceed expectations
To provide an outstanding experience every time a prospect or customer interacts with your company
To go the extra step to ensure a prospect or customer accomplishes what they set out to do
All of the above


Fill in the blanks: Tail winds are to ________ : as headwinds are to _________.

Forces, friction.
Friction, force.
Ships, force.
Ships, friction.


What is the difference between a brand keyword and a non-brand keyword?

A brand keyword is more expensive, a non-brand keyword is less expensive
A brand keyword receives less traffic, a non-brand keyword receives more traffic
A brand keyword has more variations, a non-brand keyword has fewer variations
A brand keyword includes a brand’s name, a non-brand keyword does not include a brand’s name


Fill in the blank: A keyword set to _____ match type will display your ad if the search term includes that keyword, or a very close variation.



Which of the following represents an exact match keyword?

“dog treats”
[dog treats]
dog treats
-dog treats


Which of the following represents a phrase match keyword?

+smart tv
-smart tv
[smart tv]
“smart tv”


Which of the following represents a broad match keyword?

wall art
“wall art”
wall +art
-wall art


What symbol would you use to add a broad match modifier?



What symbol would you use to add a negative keyword?



True or false: Quality score is an algorithm that scores each of your search ads on spelling and grammar.

  • True
  • False


From top to bottom, what should your search account structure hierarchy look like?

Campaigns, ad groups, keywords
Ad groups, campaigns, keywords
Keywords, campaigns, ad groups
Keywords, ad groups, campaigns


How many ad extensions should you include in your search ads?

All that are available
As many as many as make sense for your business


The inbound methodology is meant to support which business functions?

A and B
All of the above


Scenario: Kyle is in a new role and looking to upskill, so he goes to Google to do some research. He finds a search engine listing that piques his interest and clicks it. He’s taken to a blog post on your site. He reads the post and sees there’s a content offer. He’s interested, but not sure he’s ready to give his information for it just yet. Below the offer, he sees a chatbot asking if he needs help so he clicks it to start a conversation. Which stage of the inbound methodology is Kyle in?



What does it mean to have an inbound approach to doing business?

Your business only runs ads that boost top-performing social media posts.
Your business only focuses on an organic marketing strategy as opposed to interrupting them with ads.
Your business focuses on empowering your prospects and customers, rather than forcing them to engage with you.
Your business's word-of-mouth is so strong that you don’t have to do any form of marketing or advertising.


Fill in the blank: When planning the timing of content in a calendar, _______.

stick to a schedule and hold your team accountable to their deadlines
create focus by only working on one project at a time
remain flexible to account for changes
have your team submit ideas they want to work on


What stage of the buyer’s journey is your audience in if they’re choosing a free trial or consultation?



True or false? Relevancy directly impacts ranking strength.

  • True
  • False


Fill in the blank: Once a search engine bot discovers your web page, it _______.

checks to see if the content is unique from its database of content
checks to see if it can read all forms of media included within the page
decides how relevant it is to certain search queries by indexing it based on signals like keywords used within it
adds a cookie to it to come back later if it intends to rank it in the top 100


Fill in the blank: Measuring your website’s authority comes down to assessing the volume and quality of the ____________.

title tags that are optimized for SEO
pages your website ranks for on the first page of search engines
backlinks you have to your website
content that exists on your website


Scenario: Your business is going through a website redesign. The goal of the redesign is to update the look and feel of the website to better represent the brand. Your manager recommends a custom font to help make the content stand out. How should you respond?

“That sounds great. Do we have a size and preferred color for this custom font?”
“To save budget on a custom font, we should consider purchasing another brand’s custom font and making updates to it.”
"We should consider using a Google font because they're accessible to all web browsers."


True or false? To help improve SEO, your URL should match the title of your blog post, word for word.

  • True
  • False


Fill in the blank: The ideal blog post title is _____ characters.



Which of the following is an example of a video in the engage stage?

A promotional video featured on a landing page
A social video that shows off your brand’s personality
A testimonial of one of your customers with relatable stories
A funny video of a cat sitting on a window sill


Fill in the blank: Videos related to __________ moments address company milestones, new product or service features, or other company-related updates.



True or false? Watching three seconds of a YouTube video is considered a view.

  • True
  • False


Your manager asks your thoughts on how to increase visibility on the business’s YouTube channel. Which response best aligns with how YouTube’s algorithm works?

  • “YouTube as a channel is not worth the investment. There are far more valuable channels with SEO benefits that the business should focus on.”
  • “While views are important, YouTube rewards videos with the most clicks. The more people that start watching a video, the more YouTube will feature your video.”
  • “YouTube wants viewers to watch videos all the way through. We should focus on creating more engaging video content.”


All of the following are key places your videos can appear on YouTube EXCEPT:

In search results
On the homepage
On a sponsored page
In the trending system
In subscriptions


Your manager tasks you with getting more of your web pages displayed in the featured snippet on a search engine results page. The best way to increase the number of your web pages that appear in featured snippets is by _______?

  • answering a question in the form of a detailed list
  • asking questions in your H4 headers
  • embedding social media posts throughout your content
  • creating a title tag with your primary keyword featured near the beginning of it


Which of these KPIs demonstrate social media ROI? Choose all that apply.

Direct sales revenue from social media, such as orders that come in from a coupon or links into your website that lead to purchase.
Lead conversions from social media campaigns. This may vary from company to company but could include email signups, downloads of materials like an ebook, or activations of trial software.
Customer ratings and reviews demonstrate strong engagement and opinion. They are also one of the biggest indicators to other people that a product or a service is worth buying.
Customer satisfaction - it’s often tracked with a net promoter score (often called NPS), this gives you a sense of whether or not your social customer service efforts are working.


Which of the following places on Instagram can you use a link to click through to your website? Choose all that apply.

Post copy


In order to include a link in a Story, Instagram requires business accounts to have ____ followers.



True or false? When getting started with a business Instagram account, consider purchasing at least 1,000 followers to make your brand look more credible and acquire followers at a faster rate.

  • True
  • False


True or false? Adding a string of meaningless numbers to your Instagram username could appear spammy.

  • True
  • False


Scenario: Tom is an avid Facebook user. Tom’s friend, Jane, posts a video from a travel-focused company called Get Out, Stay Out, about a new, local hiking trail. In the comments, Jane shares her thoughts and opinions about the trail. The following day, Tom’s sister sends him the same video link through Facebook Messenger. The Facebook algorithm sees all these interactions. Keeping this in mind, it’s likely Facebook will _______.

Send Tom a Facebook message with a detailed map of the trail
Send Tom an email with a detailed map of the trail
Feature a detailed map of the trail as an advertisement to Tom
Feature the post at the top of Tom's news feed


True or false? You shouldn’t join a competitor’s Facebook Group. Doing so would only help increase their visibility, making it harder for you to create and grow a Facebook Group for your business.

  • True
  • False


True or false? You can have more than one key result per objective.

  • True
  • False


Scenario: An exact-match keyword for one of your ads is “blue women’s t-shirts.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply.

Blue women's t-shirts
Blue women's t-shirt
Blue t-shirts
Women's t-shirts
Women's t-shirt


Scenario: A phrase-match keyword for one of your ads is “traveling in Boston.” Which of the following search queries would generate this ad? Choose all that apply.

Traveling in Boston
Traveling in Boston during the winter
Travel in Boston during the winter
Where to travel in Boston
What's it like to travel in Boston


True or false? To deliver an ad only to people searching for dress shoes for men, you could modify your broad match keyword to “+men’s dress shoes.”

  • True
  • False


True or false? If you’re just starting out with paid ads and don’t know exactly how your persona will be searching, move from a narrower search to a broad match.

  • True
  • False


What are the two key actions to look at when optimizing each part of your email?

The segment and the open
The open and the click
The contacts and the goal
The subject line and the preview text


Fill in the blank: The ideal length of an email subject line is _____ characters.



To provide a personalized experience to your email reader, which of the following best practices should you employ? Select all that apply.

Add the contact's first name
Mention their interests
Mention the exact pages they've visited on your site
Mention an action the contact has taken with their company


Which of the following is NOT an example of owned media?

Your website
Social media profile
Sponsored content
Blog Content


Which of the following is NOT an example of paid media?

Guest blog posts
Boosted Facebook posts
Google Ads
Sponsored content


True or false: You should include either budget information or a time estimate in your content creation plan.

  • True
  • False


When is the most effective time to boost content on social media?

When it’s performing well
When it has a link to a website
When it showcases one of your products or services
You should boost every social media post no matter the context


True or false? As buying behavior changes, the inbound philosophy will also evolve.

  • True
  • False


What is one benefit of running search ads for brand keywords?

  • They always appear first in the search results, above other ads
  • They protect your traffic if a competitor bids on your brand keywords 
  • They see a higher click-through rate than non-brand keywords
  • They are significantly less expensive than search ads for other keywords 


Which of the following is the best practice for optimizing the elements on a web page to reduce page size?

  • Use Google Fonts instead of custom fonts. 
  • Make your images responsive.
  • Don’t compress your images.
  • A and B
  • All of the above


What’s an example of a measurable key result? Choose all that apply.

  • Increase customer retention from 70% to 85%
  • Grow net new contact rate from 5.6% to 9% by the end of Q4
  • Improve the time on page above 3 minutes for all product-specific pages by the end of the month


Which of the following factors does YouTube pay attention to as part of its algorithm?

  • Which videos each user watches
  • What videos each user doesn’t watch
  • How many times each user watching a video
  • Each users’ video likes and dislikes
  • B, C, and D
  • All of the above


Fill in the blank: When performing a social media content audit, begin by looking at all of the content you’ve posted in the last _________.

  • 30 days
  • 90 days
  • two quarters
  • year


___________ characters is the average character length that will appear on a mobile device for your email.



Fill in the blank: A keyword set to ______ match type will display your ad when the search term contains any or some combination or variations of the words in your keyword, in any order.

  • phrase
  • negative
  • exact
  • broad


True or false? The holistic social media team model is common in growing companies. In this model, one team coordinates the approach to managing each social media account in partnership with other groups within the organization.

  • True
  • False


During the decision stage of the buyer's journey, it's effective to use which of the following content formats? Select all that apply.

  • Case studies
  • Infographics
  • Testimonials
  • eBooks


True or false? Website performance does not impact visibility on Facebook.

  • True
  • False

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